Unit Testing Keyboard Shortcut Actions in Angular(9)


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The Use Case

Tonight I was doing some practice writing out a small personal project. In this project I was trying out a few new development techniques.

First I wanted to try my hand at some Test Driven Development (TDD). I’ll follow-up with a future blog post on my experiences here.

I also wanted to experiment and get my feet wet with the recent release of Angular 9.

Sparing the details this application will be heavily using keyboard shortcuts. I decided to use a pretty awesome open source package my company built called ngx-keyboard-shortcuts.

With this package I setup a hotkey “Control + k” that would toggle the boolean value of a property on my component. It ended up looking like this:

export class ShortcutReaderComponent implements OnInit {
    startCapturingHotKey: IKeyboardShortcutListenerOptions = {
        description: 'Start Capture Keyboard',
        keyBinding: [KeyboardKeys.Ctrl, 'k'],

    isCapturingHotKey = false;

    constructor() {}

    ngOnInit(): void {}

    startListening() {
        this.isCapturingHotKey = true;
<div class="jumbotron">
    <h3>Save a New Hotkey!</h3>
    <br />
    <div class="container">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-sm">
                <span class="lead">Press <span id="keyboardCallout" class="shadow p-3 bg-white rounded"
                        [keyboardShortcut]="startCapturingHotKey" (click)="startListening()">Ctrl + Enter</span> to
                    start tracking
                    your hotkey.</span>

Where I Started to have Trouble

I ran into a few problems that I thought would be valuable to share.

  1. I was using the fixture.nativeElement.dispatchEvent to trigger my keydown event. I found out after some debugging that this was never being picked up by the package as a keypress.
  2. I was trying to trigger 2 Keyboard events in order. One for the “control” key and another for the “k” key. This was being picked up as 2 separate keys not in succession.
  3. I did not start the test with a fixture.detectChanges() to make sure that the DOM had rendered and my directive was in place.


My solution turned out to be pretty simple like most things once you do some research. As I stated above one of my first issues was that the event’s weren’t being detected. I switched to window.dispatchEvent() and this solved that problem.

Next I tackled the problem of trying 2 keyboard events. After reviewing the KeyboardEvent docs, I found a property that looked interesting for my case. It was the ctrlKey constructor property. I set that to true in my “k” key event, added the extra fixture.detectChanges() and … success!

Here is the final solution I ended up with for the test:

describe('::enableHotKey', () => {
      it('should set isCapturingHotKey property to be true', () => {
          window.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keydown', { key: 'k', ctrlKey: true }));
Written on February 16, 2020